It's an awesome entry into the Axis & Allies world and is great for seasoned players too

Installing this without ever owning the orginal CD-ROM may constitute a violation of Hasbro's copyrights and should not be done.1941: The world is at war! Quick and Convenient: Axis & Allies 1941 is designed to be set up and played more quickly than any previous Axis & Allies board games. NOTE: The purpose of this download is for legitimate past owners of the 1998 Axis and Allies CD-ROM whose CD has become lost or unusable/unreadable.

Want to play rated games against good players? Having problems with your download working? Here is a help forum. If you wish to play others on the WARZONE here is the download: In no in-game music mode, the thread that handles music in the game never gets created, so that may help with slow graphics or people crashing from incapatibilities. Its got the ability to install and uninstall Aqrits fix as well as a couple of other things to try explained more in it-forcing Process Affinity to 1 core or to multiple cores, and running with or without in-game music and videos. This is intended as a trouble-shooting application for people having problems running AA-crashes, slow graphics, etc. To find it after installing, go to Start\Programs\Axis & Allies\AA Helper. V4.3 of the Starter Pack includes a new application, AA Helper. I've got a much smaller version available for download now, 30 MB instead of 400 MB-hacked it so it can run without the movies and music. Plotinus has updated the download.he has taken out the music and movie which has reduced the size of the download by 90 percent. Make sure you use the bypass option while in the warzone. Once this is installed you can launch games in the warzone.
It also includes Aqrit's Vista/Nvidia patch as an install option (it asks you if you want aqrit's fix or not). It has the 4.2 patch included so no need to download seperate patches anymore. This is the full game that will play from your hard drive without the need of the CD-ROM.